Working in the graphic design industry is very competitive and there are going to be a number of people wanting any one job. Here are some top tips to help you succeed in the world of design:
- Create work that you’re proud of. If you’re happy with your work and feel confident in it, your clients will be more likely to pick up on this positive vibe.
- Don’t undervalue yourself. Charge a price which you feel truly represents your worth as a designer as there is nothing worse than feeling underpaid and under-appreciated. People who feel this way are bound to see an impact on their work.
- Know about the design industry as a whole. This will help to inform your work but it will also help you to be a savvy business person.
- Try to work with clients face-to-face. Email correspondence, and even phone calls, can get confusing and might be misinterpreted. Plus, by speaking to a client directly, you can point out specific parts of the design so that you both know you’re on the same page.
- Schedule in time to be creative. Working creatively takes time and you don’t want to feel rushed. Have a cup of tea, relax and create.